Learn How to Choose and Use Spackle to Repair Walls

The type of spackling compound you should use depends on the size of the hole or crack you are filling. There are five types of spackling compound to choose from.

Lightweight- for holes less than an inch wide and 1/4″ deep lightweight spackling compound is the best choice for the job. Lightweight spackling compound is perfect for small nail holes or dings in the walls. Since the compound is lightweight it tends to dry faster as well.

Standard- for larger holes, gauges or cracks, standard spackling compound is the best choice. Standard spackling is stronger than lightweight spackling and tends to sand easier to a smoother finish .

Vinyl- should be used for holes or gauges up to 3/4″ inches deep. For best results apply multiple thin coats allowing the compound to dry in between coats. Vinyl spackling can also be used in masonry and does not crack.

Acrylic- acrylic spackling compound is very similar to vinyl compound. It can be used on exterior surfaces and does not crack or shrink.

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