Monthly Archives: August 2017

Paint a Room Without Making a Mess

Painting is not always an easy task and definitely can leave quite a mess for you to clean up when you are done. By following the twelve steps listed below it will not only save you time for the cleanup process but also save you a headache!   1.Moving furniture to easily access the
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No matter the size of the job it is almost a guarantee you will have some paint left over after all the work is done. Storing leftover paint rather than just tossing it is a good idea because you never know when you may have to make a touch up the whatever it

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12 ways to make a ceiling look higher

Whether your ceiling are naturally low or you just want to make a room appear taller there are many cheap cosmetic solution that can be done. Here are a few tips to achieve visually taller ceilings. 1. Uncover the ceilings architectural structure. Uncovering the ceilings architectural structure can physically give you more head room in your room.
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