How To Fix Wrinkled Paint

Wrinkled paint is another common problem that occurs amongst amateur and novice painters similar to that of paint drips. Paint wrinkles occur because the painter did not allow adequate drying time between coats. When the previous coat of paint is not fully dry and another coat is added on top of it, it creates a wrinkle in the paint. This problem can be fixed rather easily but it is time consuming. You will need the following materials:
1. Sanding sponge
2. Paint scraper
3. Heat gun
4. Bucket of water
5. Towel
6. The same color paint you originally used for the wall
Step 1- Scrape away the wrinkled paint with a paint scraper and a heat gun. The heat gun will lift the paint making it easier for the scraper to do its job.
Step2- Once all the wrinkled paint is scraped off it is now time to sand smooth the area. Wet the sanding sponge in the bucket and ring it out so that the sanding sponge is damp but not soaked. Sand the area you just scraped smooth and sand smooth the transition from the area you just scraped with and surrounding paint. Everything should seem smooth to the touch when you are finished. The reason for wetting the sanding sponge is to prevent heat caused by friction while sanding. The dry sponge will heat up the good paint and make it lift off the wall causing all sorts of problems
Step 3- Clean the area of the wrinkled paint with the towel, let any wet spot dry off. Once everything is dry and the wrinkle is fixed to your satisfaction begin repainting the area.
Once all three steps are finished it will appear as if there was no wrinkle in the first place.index1

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